If you are not sure how to size a ring, follow these instructions and you should be able to determine it. 
First of all you can use our ring sizer above. In order to print the ring sizer above, be sure that your printer is set to 100%. In other words, make sure that you have not reduced the print
size in 'page set up.' You can verify that the sizer printed correctly by measuring it with a ruler; it should measure from left to right: 3 3/8 inches.
Once you have printed the sizer, you may cut it out and use it or try
the following directions to measure ring size of your finger:
- Wrap a piece of loose string around your finger. Be sure to allow for the
size of your knuckle.
- With a pen, mark the point on the string where the end meets.
- Using the chart, place the end of the string on the left hand line
next to the letter "A" and stretch the string along the sizer
toward the numbers.
- The pen mark on your string should line up with a number to indicate your
ring size.
How to size your ring. Ring size chart:
Or, if you don't like to use our ring sizer you can use our ring size chart. Just cut a thin stripe of paper, wrap it around your finger, mark the paper where it meets and then measure it with a ruler.
Then you can compare it to our chart of ring sizes below:
Ring Size
Paper Length in Inches
1 13/16
1 15/16
2 1/16
2 1/8
2 1/4
2 5/16
2 7/16
2 9/16
2 5/8
2 3/4
2 7/8
Below is a chart to help our international customers to measure ring sizes: